

"Be the change you want to see in the world!"

-Mahatma Gandhi

Hi there, I'm Sheena Rozak, the heart behind Rooted. Alongside being a mother to three incredible kids and wife to my best friend, I've embarked on a journey that's far exceeded my wildest dreams. Rooted, in essence, wasn't originally envisioned as the meal kit service it is today. It emerged from my lifelong quest for grounding and connection through the simplest, yet most profound element of our lives: food.

To me, food is much more than sustenance. It's a bridge between diet and nutrition, our environmental footprints, and our ethical values. It's comfort during uncertain times and a powerful connector, capable of drawing people together or setting them apart. In North America, where access to food is often taken for granted, its true value is sometimes overshadowed by the routine of daily life. Yet, it's foundational, not just to our survival but to our connection with this beautiful planet, Earth.

My relationship with food has been a journey of discovery, healing, and sometimes struggle—from battling disordered eating to harnessing its power to heal an autoimmune disease. It's been my anchor, bringing me back home, grounding me in ways I couldn't always articulate. Food has enabled me to create lasting memories, offer comfort to loved ones, and celebrate our collective home, mother earth.

Rooted is my way of sharing this gift, this tool of connection and healing. It's more than a business; it's a vision for fostering deeper connections with ourselves, each other, and the earth through the food we eat. But my dream doesn't stop here. I envision Rooted evolving into a community of learning and sharing—through workshops, gatherings, and one-on-one sessions where I can help others heal and find grounding through food, just as I have.

Starting with what I believe to be the foundation of all—our health—Rooted aims to offer nourishment, convenience, and a way to connect and share with those you love. Yet, I'm always looking to grow, to give more. So, I'd love to hear from you: How can Rooted and I better serve you? Let's journey together towards a more Rooted life, in every sense of the word.